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LCC Class XXXVIII Graduation & LCCA Annual Meeting

July 18, 2020 10:19 PM | C. Michelle Unda (Peters)

Greetings fellow LCC Alum! 

We know this year has been a challenging one for all, but you will be incredibly happy to know that LCC and the LCCA have persevered! You can imagine the difficulties in continuing and completing a monthly class schedule during the trying times we find ourselves in, but somehow, some way, your LCC Steering Committee, led by Class Chair Patty Clark and Class Chair Elect Mickey Kramer, made it happen! 

In that spirit of perseverance we are happy to announce that LCC Graduation and the LCCA Annual Meeting will be held virtually on July 22nd at 6pm.  

Please see the latest e-newsletter to make sure you can attend and congratulate these intrepid leaders, the very next generation LCCA and Steering Committee Leadership.

Not to be left behind your LCC Alumni Board has been hard at work as well, tailoring our programming to fit our current new normal. We look forward to bringing you the best we have to offer be it virtual or hopefully in person as soon as trends allow. 

We also remind you that voting for new members of your alumni board is still open and will close at our Annual Meeting so follow the link below to throw your support behind our most deserving members.

On behalf of Alumni President Alyssa Barrera Mason and the rest of the Alumni Board, I wish you well and remind you that no matter the circumstances Leadership is always essential. 

LCCA Chair Elect,

Jonathan Torres, LCC 44

LCC Graduation & LCCA Annual Meeting ZOOM
Wednesday, July 22nd

Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
P. O. Box 60031, Corpus Christi, TX 78466

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